Helping Men Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction

“A superb work that fully understands and articulates the unique challenges faced by men in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. Dr. Covington, a true pioneer in gender-responsive approaches, and her colleagues offer a powerful set of resources for this work. The model’s emphases on trauma and on spirituality are especially welcome, giving this material a timely, strengths-based orientation.”

Roger D. Fallot, Ph.D.
Director of Research & Evaluation
Community Connections

“I have been inspired by reading your curriculum Helping Men Recover. Too often men are taught not to show emotion or share feelings. The way you present the material will help men from all walks of life find their way through the recovery process, while exploring their spirituality, emotions, and relationships with strength and courage. White Bison, the Wellbriety Movement, and myself fully support this program. Thanks for your work in helping other men recover.”

Don Coyhis, President
White Bison, An American Indian Non-profit Corporation

“If we are serious about affecting long-term recovery and lessening the likelihood of relapse(s) in our male clients, it is paramount we engage in gender-responsive treatment. Thank you to these three authors whose work has the potential to revolutionize addiction services.”

Claudia Black, Ph.D., Addiction Specialist
Author of It Will Never Happen to Me

“This new and unique curriculum for men in recovery draws on the tremendous experience and expertise of the authors in appreciating gender sensitive issues and draws on the current research and clinical writing on the new psychology of men. Practical, clear, inspiring and interesting step by step guide for facilitators in shepherding men through the recovery process, the authors focus on the most psychologically and culturally relevant, yet frequently overlooked, factors that will facilitate a more fundamental and lasting recovery. These program materials will radically alter the course of treatment for men and make a tremendous contribution to their personal and relational recovery. This is a major and valuable contribution!”

Janet Surrey, PhD.,
Founding Scholar, Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, The Stone Center, Wellesley College

Stephen Bergman, MD., PhD
Harvard Medical School, coauthors of We Have to Talk, Healing Dialogues Between Women and Men and the play Bill W. and Dr. Bob; The Story of the Founding of Alcoholics Anonymous.